During the tedious process of packing for my 27 months of servce in Paraguay there were several items of personal technologhy that I deemed essential for my sanity as a Peace Corps volunteer. Along with a mountain of clothings for all types of weather I brought school supplies, medicine, and all sorts of various trinkets I felt I couldn´t live without. In that assortment of goods was also 2 cameras, 2 ipods, a laptop computer, and a Kindle. I never thought that I would end up bringing so much technology with me as I arrived here. To be honest, I had no idea what sort of technology would be common place here at all given my general lack of knowledge about Paraguayan culture prior to my arrival. The more time I spent here the more I realized that the technology deemed essential to me, and my life back in America, was also developing at a fairly rapid rate in Paraguay as well. Many high school students, especially those who live in larger towns, are exposed to computers at a young age. It is common place to see people around my neighborhood carrying around new Sony digital cameras to take pictures of their kids in parades or school events. The youth group I work with recently went on a trip to visit a cheese factory in another community. At the end of the tour we were taking pictures to put on the group´s Facebook page. I was about to take a picture with my black, 8-year-old Sony Cybershot, 5.1 megapixel, 3x zoom camera that I bought while doing an exchange program in Taiwan in high school, when one of the members of the group asked me to take a picture with his. As I took a look at his brand new Sony Cypershot, 12.1 megapixel camera with 12x zoom I thought to myself maybe the amount and quality of my technology isn´t something that people find unfamiliar.
As I stood there taking pictures with a camera that was the great great grandon of the camera I was holding in my hand I started to think that I might be the one who was recieving the raw deal with the cost of personal technology. Since my arrival I have managed to break both cameras, one still works but the screen broke meaing I have to look through the view finder making my already old camera seem older. My Kindle made it through the first 4.5 books in the Game of Thrones series before succumbing to the elements, and most recently my beloved computer of 6 years that has been with me since before the beginning of college gave into the powers that be. To be fair, I probably could have done a better job of taking care of these important pieces of technology, but then I think to myself that being forced to ride on a standing only bus all over with a giant backpack would eventually cause too much ware and tear for even the most well put together object let alone a computer. In some ways I am sort of glad that those technologies aren´t at my disposal for a time. It gives me a chance to read a physical book, prevents me from checking my email and Facebook constantly, and gives me time to be a bit detached from the dependency I developed on technology. Still though, when I see members of the youth group jumping on their computers, listening to music on their cell phones, and taking pictures with their new cameras it makes me wonder if I am all that different then the average person here?
It has taken some getting used to not having those links to the outside world. Especially with the recent changes that have come to O´Leary over the past month. My closest neighbor outside O´Leary, Jimmy, left early to go to graduate school. Kristin finished her extension, and left at the end of July. Most recently, Mike said his goodbyes, and made it home this past weekend. Change is inevtibly expecially amoungst Peace Corps Volunteers. With a new group coming in every 4 months and another group leaving who's around what area is constantly changing. Lucky for me, Mike got a follow up volunteer named Robert, so while it will take some getting used to not having a computer and not having Mike, Kristin, and Jimmy around I have been able to spend time with Robert and with a lot more time with Paraguayan families who seem to sense that things around here are a bit different than they were just a month ago. While the last few weeks have been a challenge adjusting to a bunch of change I am at least able to keep busy. Not having as much access to technology has given me the chance to focus on some things around my house and projects around the community. Keeping busy has been important, and progress on things is steady. We recently finished planting 2,500 trees, have been able to continue the awesome childrens radio program Kristin started, and make steady progress on the trash project. Life is full of ups and downs and while there have been some pretty bigs downs there have also been some pretty big ups. Things sort of keep plugging along, and while it hasn´t been the smoothiest of sailing of late I think that is a normal part of the experience. Look for a new update at the beginning of September with details about progress of the various projects going on in O´Leary.
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Monday, August 20, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Paraguayan Cuisine
A question that I get asked often from people back home is how’s the food there in Paraguay? That question can mean a number of different things to me depending on my state of mind at any given time. I think the best way to transition into a conversation about Paraguayan cuisine would be to first share a brief anecdote that happened to me last weekend. I had just gotten back to O’Leary after spending a period of time in Asuncion. For months this older couple named Armando and Augustina had been inviting me over for lunch. They have a kid, Francisco, who goes to the school, and during my time here I have developed a nice relationship with all three of them. The cool part about them is how long they have known about Peace Corps, and the amount of volunteers they have met or interacted with during their lives, so they have these really interesting insights into the challenges that come with living and working as a volunteer in the area. They have been friendly and have said on many occasions that if I need anything all I have to do is ask, so I guess my point in telling you all this is that it was far past time that I went to have lunch with them
They told me to come over at 11 o’clock Saturday morning. I went over after my first solo radio show with a big appetite. They told me that they would be killing a pig, which for those of you who have never hear a pig squeal when it is being killed let me tell you that the sounds it makes are blood curdling to say the least. Despite the horrendous sounds that emanate from the pig during the brutal slaughter pork is easily the best tasting meat you can get on a regular basis. I arrived shortly after the pig was killed, but got a first hand look at the butchering process. Armando has been raising pigs his whole life, so the procedure went rather smoothly. I even got to take part in the shaving process, which needless to say was a first for me. Now at this point I’m thinking that we are going to be eating the choicer parts of the pig because why wouldn’t we? I should know better because after the pig was fully butchered I noticed that they had removed some less desirable parts earlier, so they could be cooked. When I was told the food was ready Augustina put a huge steaming pile of pig liver in front of me, and said “I hope you like pig liver.” Now I’ll admit that liver is not the worst thing in the world. On the contrary in certain circumstances it actually isn’t that bad. What killed me about this particular situation was that I had a plate that was overflowing with dark brown chewy liver that honestly looked like someone had defecated on my plate and added onions. To make matters more challenging is that Paraguayans rarely to never drink something while simultaneously eating, so if you are chewing on a bad piece, or you want to get the taste out of your mouth, tough luck you got suck it up until everyone finishes and the beverages are mercifully served. When it comes to liver, I tend to eat slowly because I can’t handle large spoonfuls. Not having the aid of a drink makes that strategy all the harder. Thankfully for me I was given a drink before I had to chomp on some of the chewier parts, but the initial plateful was enough to leave my stomach feeling a tad bit queasier than I am accustomed to. It was the first time that I had been consciously served pig liver, and now it joins the ranks with cow, chicken, duck, and horse. I would put it in the middle of the pack with regards to that list for no particular reason except that, as one of my Paraguayan friends recently said, “liver is liver no matter what kind of animal it comes from.”
When I was living with my family in O'Leary, I once asked my host brother Mathias what his top 5 favorite foods were. Here they are in ascending order beans, rice salad, the pizza that I had at the time made for him twice, grilled meat, and first fried cow stomach known hear as milanesa de mondungo. Cow stomach is one of the harsher things I have eaten here and probably my least favorite part of the cow that I have eaten to this point, but it is cheap to buy. If I was fed cow stomach once a week during my childhood I would probably like it too. I think with development comes an evolution in what becomes available to a society. I’m sure that Americans at the turn of the century were more accustomed to eating things that I was never exposed to. Does that mean they ate it throughout their lives as incomes rose and markets changed? I am sure in some cases it did, but I was not served steaming plates of liver and onions growing up and I am likely not going to buy liver at the supermarket when I get home. My grandmother on the other hand always tells me how much she likes chicken livers. Not many restaurants in America still have them, but every once in a while we would stumble across them. She would eat her fill while I can barely get one down. That was something she had growing up and still enjoys to this day sort of like how Paraguayan’s like their liver.
It is funny to think about that from a development standpoint. If Paraguay keeps growing in wealth will the food change? My bet is it will, but not dramatically. As I said in the last entry Paraguay’s relative isolation in the world makes it difficult to have a large international import market. To get food diversity, infrastructure needs to expand to the point where it is easy to transport goods from the much larger Brazilian and Argentine economies. The fact remains that the largest international highway in Paraguay is only 2 lanes. If I wanted to get to a major coastline it would take at least 18 hours by bus, so it is no mystery that there isn’t much diversity in people’s diets. What they have is cheap, what they don’t have is extremely expensive. For the record I admit I like a lot of Paraguayan foods. They strangely enough have a lot of pasta and every once and a while make gnocchi from scratch, something I haven’t seen any other country make outside of Italy, which Paraguay has little to no historical ties with.
Making Chipa Guasu sort of a greasy corn bread |
Most of the food is pretty bland overall probably due to the lack of spices native to the region, and the cost to import them. I am not the biggest fan of spicy food, so I have tended to shy away from anything too spicy during my life. That was until I came here, and saw what it really meant to not like spicy food. A bottle of hot sauce in Paraguay would be roughly equivalent to mild BBQ sauce in America. A shockingly high number of people consider ketchup spicy. Every family that I have interacted with tends to have a small bottle of “hot sauce” in the fridge that they’ll occasionally put a drop or two on their rice or empanadas. Any more then two drops and they look at you like you were just served a death sentence. When I lived with a family I would dump the mild sauce on most of my food to give the usually salty bland flavor of the dish as much of a kick as possible. The kids I lived with didn’t understand how I was able to eat after that. On several occasions I saw them spit up their food after putting one drop of the bland concoction on whatever they were eating. The same reaction can be seen with certain types of chewing gum. On several occasions I have received packages containing Dentyne Ice or Eclipse peppermint gum. I would often give it to the kids after they incessantly asked me for hours apiece. They all seemed to like the gum except for the 3-year-old Damian, who would fan his mouth while chewing as if he were trying to fan a fire in his mouth. I can’t recall one instance where he actually chewed the gum for a period of time longer than 5 seconds, but everyday he would ask me for more as if he didn’t remember the day before.
To recap, Paraguayan meat can at time be a bit tough on the stomach. Food is pretty basic with most dishes containing high amounts of salt or sugar. Paraguayans hate spicy food, and consider what I would consider very bland as super spicy. There are many things, particularly the pastas that I find delicious, but there are a lot of things, like tripe, that I struggle with. Is Paraguay one of the tougher Peace Corps food countries? I’d say no, but lets just say I’m glad that I’m finally able to cook on my own.
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